Wednesday HodgePodge

1. Are you currently making plans of any kind? What kind? What emotions are associated with the planning process? Tell us about one plan you had to cancel due to the current situation which shall remain nameless. Ha!

We both had the virus, so we are in a different place mentally than a lot of other people.  I  am so ready for this to all be over.

Right now we are planning to plan.  There's an all-inclusive resort in the Catskills we'd love to visit, if....the "if" being  "if they fully reopen".  Right now about half of the activities we'd do at the resort are off limits because of the "current situation".  New York got its act together, but the rest of the country....

I feel like the student who is losing recess because someone else cannot behave in class.  

One thing that got canceled because of the current situation?  How about my entire summer?  No concerts at Jones Beach this year.  Broadway will not resume its season until January.  No Renaissance Faire this year. My minor league baseball team, the Ducks, has canceled its season. At least Major League Baseball will have an abbreviated season, albeit without fans in the seats --- so there goes our annual trek to Citi Field.  

2. Last time you saw stars, either literally or figuratively?

I was very fortunate when I was a child, our school district had a planetarium, and every child was exposed to astronomy.  So you will often find me star gazing, just looking up at the sky and marveling at the vastness of space.  I think the last time was about a week ago.

3. Blueberries yay or nay? Blueberry pie, blueberry muffins, blueberry yogurt, blueberries by the handful...what's your pleasure?

Blueberries, of course!  blueberry muffins are my favorite.

4. swim against the tide, swimming upstream, in the swim, sink or swim, makes your head swim...choose one of the 'swim' idioms listed and tell us how/why you relate?

Swimming upstream.  I turn on the news and I get frustrated....

5. Sum up your June in a single sentence.

Will we ever get back to a semblance of normal?

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Instead of our usual "invite the world" barbecue, this weekend we will have just a few friends over for a "social distancing" 4th of July.  Hot dogs, burgers and good conversation.  It should be fun.


  1. Oh wow, how bad was the virus for you? I've know a couple people who have had it and thankfully their cases were all pretty mild. New Youk definitely has it together - Cuomo is the only politician out there that has any sense. I would give anything for him to run for President! I hope you enjoy your 4th even if you have to social distance. Have a good one :)

    1. I was nearly a symptomatic but my boyfriend was so sick for three normal times he would have been in the hospital for a few days, but there were so many people who were even sicker ...

    2. I'm so glad you both made it through it ok. I'm in Florida, high risk, and pretty worried right now :(

  2. That's a good description...planning to plan. What a weird time. You are the first bloggers I visit who has actually had the virus.

  3. You are the first person I've heard to speak positively about how NY handled the virus. So, it's good to hear another perspective. Happy 4th to you.

    1. Can’t argue with results. We flattened the curve.

  4. The county closed our beaches for the weekend. And I just heard that they're closing up restaurants and such again. Well, our numbers are going up...

  5. Planning sure has changed with covid.

  6. WE SHOULD FUCK. Like right now, right here. Hard, fast. Pin me down, kiss me hard, look me in the eyes and fuck me like you’ve never fucked someone before. Click here and Check me out i am getting naked here ;)


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