another this and that

I have always been a fan of the game show Jeopardy!   I remember watching it with the original host, Art Fleming, and I remember feeling excited when the show was revived in the 1980's with Alex Trebek as host.  Well, thanks to coronavirus, the show is not currently producing new episodes.  to fill in the gap, the producers are pulling out episodes from the vault.

On Monday they aired the very first episode from 1984, and on Tuesday they aired the second episode.  It's interesting to see what has changed and what has remained the same.  But what made me laugh -- when the contestants were introduced to the audience, there was a male contestant whose profession was "registered nurse" and a female contestant who was identified as a carpenter, and Trebek was sure that the man was a carpenter and the woman was a nurse.  Even in 1984 that was a bit sexist, wasn't it?

Last night there was a report on the news that Ellen's Stardust Diner  might be permanently closed, a victim of the virus.  Ellen's Stardust is a Theater District icon, the home of the singing waitstaff.  Seriously, one minute your waiter will be bringing you a burger and fries, the next he'll be grabbing a microphone and belting out the latest Broadway hit.  I've spent so many happy evenings in Ellen's, We had dinner there in May 2019, the night we saw Oklahoma,  I'll be very sad if the diner falls victim to the virus.

Drew has been showing me a lot of old movies.  The other night we saw a comedy/fantasy from 1944.  Really enjoyable film,

And happy happy joy joy, the baseball season finally starts today.


  1. I've hardly ever watched Jeopardy. My brother-in-law was a MASTER though. My sister, my BIL, and the teen kids would sit and "play" along. My BIL always won!
    Our summer goals are quite similar. I've been making digital materials for my class, too. Your spiral review looks great, and your training sounds really good. Our district has been doing writing workshop for a few years, but we wrote our own curriculum. We've been doing reading workshop for a couple years (and we wrote our own curriculum). I'm reading The Reading Strategies Book by Jennifer Serravallo, and it really is as good as everyone says. I bet you're enjoying your pool in this heat.
    Laughter and Consistency

  2. Sexist, maybe, but in 1984 much more uncommon than today.

    I have to wait until tomorrow before the Braves and White Sox get started, but yes, baseball is back!

  3. Now I have something to look forward to. I recorded the episodes, but I haven't watched them, yet. I was amazed that they had new episodes for as long as they did.

    I read the book The Canterville Ghost. Although, not the original. When I was a kid, there was a kid's version that the librarian recommended. That's pretty much all I remember about it.


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