Wednesday HodgePodge

1. The Hodgepodge lands this year on National Secret Keeping Day...on a scale of 1-10 (
with 1 being I'm a blabbermouth and 10 being I'm a vault) how good are you at keeping secrets?

It depends...

I read here nine jobs for people who can keep a secret-cybersecurity worker, executive assistant, housekeeper, lawyer, nuclear plant technician, physician, private investigator, psychologist, security guard  Of the jobs listed, which one most interests you and why?

Um, the one I've been doing since 1984....I practice law.  Maybe someday I'll get it right....

2. What's the secret of life (or one of them anyway)?

I'm still trying to figure that one out.

3. Off the record, best-kept secret, a fly on the wall, top secret, my lips are sealed, secret shopper, as quiet as a mouse, poker face, spill the beans, open secret, bite your tongue...which secret idiom can you best relate to right now? Explain.

"Fly on the wall" is a phrase I use often.  I have an insatiable curiosity about things that are really none of my business.

4. Spill here the secret ingredient in one of your favorite recipes?

I'm not much of a cook.  My secret ingredient is called "follow the recipe".

5. My mama celebrates a big birthday tomorrow. Share a favorite quote, song lyric, saying, or verse of scripture that will add some sunshine to her day (ours too!)

Happy birthday to your mom.

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

28 years ago today a young woman made her entrance into the world, and the world has never been the same.  

Happy birthday, Becca.  


  1. I loved your "secret ingredient"!

  2. Happy birthday to Becca! I have the same secret ingredient. I am not a very impressive cook, and when I try to get creative it often ends badly!
    Laughter and Consistency

  3. I'm like you with wanting to be a fly on the wall, I always want to know what's going on lol. Happy birthday to your Becca. Love the gorgeous flowers!

  4. Happy Birthday to Becca.
    There are a lot of jobs that require keeping a secret. I was an accountant. Back at my first job as an accounting manager, you would not believe how many times one client would ask financial questions about a competing client. And then they have the nerve to get irate because of course I could not divulge anything. Human Resources employees also. It’s surprising how many people will ask the HR person for salary information of coworkers.
    I use “fly in the wall” a lot too. Mostly it’s about my in-laws. My wife will be on the phone with one of them and something comes up in conversation that opens a can of worms and causes the call to end abruptly. It’s usually an argument started in the background of a call. Most often it’s her sister whose fiancé starts something while they are on the phone. You don’t want to be actually in the room when those 2 gals start to argue, but being a fly on the wall would be perfect.

  5. Happy birthday to Becca.

    I'm with you on secret keeping. I can keep a secret, but there are times when I refuse to. Yes, someone may not want me to tell, but they're hurting, and the other person needs to know why.

    The secret of life: follow your bliss.


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