Sunday stealing

July 11, 2020

Movie Challenge

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

From Sharon Compton 

1. Last movie you watched

House of Dark Shadows, from 1970

2. Last movie you watched in a theater.

Knives out

3. Film you’ve always wanted to watch, but haven’t

The Big Chill ...fell asleep watching it years ago and I’ve never seen the whole movie.

4. Favorite movie soundtrack

Les Miserables

5. Your favorite movie duo

Bogie and Bacall

6. Movie you like because of its story

Citizen Kane

7. A film that disappointed you

Napoleon Dynamite

8. Favorite scene from a movie

The final scene in Singin’ in the Rain where Donald O’Connor provides the voice for Lina.

9. Your guilty pleasure movie

Disney’s Cinderella 

10. A movie you keep going back to

The original Star Wars

11. A quote your admire from your favorite movie.

We’ll always have Paris.

12. A movie based on a true story

Lincoln.  Spielberg was amazing.

13. Your favorite actor/actress

Tom Hanks could read a phone book and I’d watch.  Ditto George Clooney.

14. A sequel you’re not a fan of

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

15. A film you know by heart

Raiders of the Lost Ark

16. Your favorite opening scene

Raiders of the Lost Ark

17. A film that was based on a book and was executed well

The Harry Potter series 

18. A comedy film


19. TV series you’re binging on now

Quantum Leap.  Loved it years ago and we are rediscovering it now.

20. A TV series you think is

Don’t.  Very clever and funny game show.


  1. ah #8
    13. I like both those guys... oh and I love Morgan Freeman's voice too... smooth
    the big chill... what a lot of stars. It made an impact back in the day

  2. You're right, the Harry Potter movies were true to the books. Good choice.

    1. My daughter can tell you where the movies and the books differ, but overall they did a good job adapting the story

  3. Where are you seeing Quantum Leap? I always liked the show when I caught it accidentally and would love to see it, but apparently not on Netflix.

  4. Ahhh, Raiders of the Lost Ark. Right up there in my top 5 ever. I saw that thing at least 10 times in the theater back in the day and have lost count of my rewatchs since. Great post :)

    1. I know. I love all of the Indiana Jones movies, even Temple of Doom, but Raiders is the best.

  5. feels like everyone has gone to see Knives Out. I need to rent it or something. SOON!

  6. Yes.. Bogie and Bacall. Hanks and Ryan!! I forgot about Quantum Leap it was great.

  7. Quantum Leap. I watched that show religiously when it came out.

  8. Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep are the King and Queen. They're both so good in what they do.

  9. Thank goodness for Quantum Leap! My cousin Rose is impossible to buy for, and she's fallen in love with Scott Bakula from NCIS: New Orleans. I was so glad I remembered Quantum Leap, a show she never watched when it was on. That DVD was her perfect Christmas present!

  10. OMG, what was it about Napoleon Dynamite? Everyone was so into it, but I saw it and was all "meh". Not great.

    And Temple of Doom. That one so grossed me out. I've seen it the once, and never again.

    I loved Quantum Leap. Currently I'm binging Good Eats. Although, not a true binge.

    1. I took my daughter and her friend to see the movie, they were young teens at the time. I sat through the movie because I’m a good mom.


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