The mom and dad rescue company

“You’re the first person I’ve seen in four days.” — Becca, 3/18/2020

So on Saturday Becca got off the plane in Newark, went home to her apartment on the East Side, and began her self quarantine.

When Jen picked her up at the airport, she brought some groceries for Becca with her.  Becca has nothing in the house, after all, because she’d been on vacation in Europe.

But it wasn’t a lot of food, just a few items to tide her over, until Becca could arrange for a grocery delivery.

She won’t get a delivery until sometime next week.  Seems everyone wants grocery delivery these days.

Mom and Dad to the rescue.

Drew went shopping for Becca on Tuesday.  He had to go to five different supermarkets to find everything on Becca’s list.

Then yesterday we loaded up my car and drove into Manhattan.  (We take my Prius C into the city, rather than his Pacifica, because it’s a thousand times easier to park a compact in Manhattan.) I was able to find a parking spot right in front of Becca’s apartment building, but the doorman said I might get a ticket if I stayed there.

So I stayed with the car and Drew brought the groceries up to Becca’s apartment.  He left everything in front of her door, then stepped back six feet.

She opened the door, thanked him for the groceries, took everything inside, then waved goodbye.

She is absolutely alone.  Even with the phone and the internet, even with FaceTime and Skype, it’s still not the same as having another person around ...

She is resilient.  She will survive this.

Better days are coming eventually.  We just have to be strong.


  1. Glad she is home and now, well stocked. They had Senior Shopping here today 5:30 AM until 7 AM. The shelves are mostly bare, but I was able to get a few essentials like Enlightened Ice Cream Bars and Eggplant! Now I'm good! LOL. They did have bread, cold cuts, pickles, milk, but no eggs. I got what I could and drove home. Getting back home at 7 AM! I then made breakfast for myself. Jack never woke up and is still asleep. Must be nice! LOL.

    1. Same here. I’m in the supermarket at 6AM in the pouring rain...

  2. I am so thankful Drew "saw" her, if only for a brief time, smiles. Keeping in prayer, sweet friend.

  3. Oops. Just read Maribeth's comment and realized I never put eggs on our grocery shopping list, due to be delivered this coming Tuesday. I don't know if they'll even have any eggs, but I'll add it to my list before the cut-off time.

  4. Glad that Drew got to see Becca, if for only a moment.

  5. At least she does have the internet and phone. Can you imagine what things like this were like back in the day when we couldn't communicate instantly with anyone all over the world?

    I hope she stays well. Glad you're around to help her out.

    1. Yeah. Today jen and Becca FaceTimed while doing a workout. Imagine if there were no face time.

  6. Glad she has a pair loving parents, looking out for her. Hope she enjoyed her trip

    1. She enjoyed Paris. She spent time in London while waiting to come home, and enjoyed that city as best as she could.

  7. Well done. I think there are going to be many stories of this; what a memoir we will will be able to write (if this ends well.) And sometimes the children look after the parents. I have a cousin in Brooklyn. Her daughter, who lives in a suburb of Boston, drove down to see her (the daughter works in a school and the school is closed for a while), did her Mom's shopping, helped her get stuff settled, before she returned to Massachusetts. I spoke to the cousin Tuesday; she thinks she is set for now. Alana

    1. Good for your cousin and her daughter.

      Yes, the stories we will tell when this is over ...


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