Another this and that

So today I should be having brunch with two friends.  The three of us get together every few weeks.  I chose the restaurant this time, a lovely place with a great buffet...we cancelled even before the restaurants were ordered to close.

This afternoon I should be at a wine tasting.  A kosher wine merchant comes to our synagogue with an assortment of Passover-appropriate wines and liquors, and we can order what we need for the holiday.  I usually provide the snacks — cheese and crackers, hummus, baby carrots, grapes —and it becomes a social occasion.  These days we don’t have anything going on at the synagogue.  I’ll still be able to order my wine, but ...well,  when the Rabbi leads prayer services on zoom...

Yeah, our Rabbi is alone in the synagogue these days.  He recites prayers in an empty sanctuary, and members of the congregation can watch via an internet streaming app.

I bought tickets to see Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden in May.  That concert has been postponed until November.  Friday the 13th , to be exact.

My new job starts tomorrow.  I’ll be working from home; the company is installing software on my laptop so that I can do my job.    I’ve worked from home before, but usually with equipment provided by my employer.  This is not what I envisioned when I accepted the job a few weeks ago.

Everyone is stressed.  I nearly lost my temper yesterday while reading a friend’s blog.  Seems a member of the tin foil hat club commented on the blog, and claimed that COVID 19 does not exist, all the elderly dying from the disease are paid actors, etc., and we are all cousin is in the hospital right now, having been diagnosed with the virus, and I have to read that nonsense on a blog?

Actually, I finally found someone who is not stressed out by the current situation.  Want to see her picture?

There’s food in her dish and she’s got a soft place to sleep, so all is well in Duchess’ world.

Let’s end with some humor.  We can choose to cry over this pandemic, or we can choose to laugh.  So here’s some Monty Python.


  1. Oh, the virus is real, my friend...and I will leave it at that, smiles.

    Duchess is adorable (sigh and I am allergic to cats) and I think if our German Shepherd, Coffee could talk, he would say, "You humans are bat drop crazy." He looks at us like that, I am sure he thinks we are loopy doopy nutso, LOL

    Have a beautiful day, friend.

    1. Your dog is named Coffee? I like it. I’m sure our animal friends all think we are crazy.

  2. Yay for Duchess. There's wisdom between those pointy little ears.

  3. It's against regulations, but he'll be dead by Thursday...oh, do those Brits ever have a warped sense of humor. Maybe we all need to stop blogging about our lives and turn our blogs into cat blogs and dog blogs - those already doing that may be onto something. But it's hard when you are scared for those you love, and I hope your cousin recovers without incident. Good luck with your new job. Alana

  4. Sorry to hear about your cousin. I don't know how anyone can think this is a hoax. We have to be really careful around my place. My roommates are a 76-year-old woman and a 61-year-old liver transplant recipient.

    Take care. Hopefully this'll pass. It'll change our lives in ways we can't possibly imagine.

    1. There are folks who don’t know anyone who has the virus. So they make unwarranted conclusions.

      Someone I know was tested and won’t get the results for 3-5 days. She’s home self isolating, avoiding contact with the rest of her family living together.

      Good thoughts for your roommates


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