Saturday 9 -- Kathleen

Once again it's time for the Saturday 9.

I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen (1975)

Chosen because St. Patrick's Day is Tuesday.

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is widely considered a traditional Irish ballad. Are you of Irish descent?

Nope...though there was a Jewish Lord Mayor in Dublin years ago.... 
2) It's a song from a groom to his homesick bride. Who did you most recently serenade? (Yes, "Happy Birthday" counts.)

We went to Benihana for Drew's birthday, and yes, we sang "Happy Birthday".

3) Kathleen considers "home" her mother's cottage. How about you? Is "home" where you live now, or is it where you grew up?
Well, since I live in the same house where I grew up...

4) St. Patrick is credited with driving snakes out of Ireland, and to this day the Irish report there are no snakes on their land. Ophiophobia is the fear of snakes. Do you suffer from ophiophobia?

I was in 4th grade and my teacher kept a lot of animals in our classroom.  I loved them all.  One of our animals was a snake, and the teacher fed live mice to the snake.  Some of the girls were too squeamish to watch, but I felt compelled...

Even now, a trip to the Bronx Zoo is not comlete until we visit the reptile house.

5) Irish Americans held the first St. Patrick's Day parade on our shores in New York City in 1766. Does your town host a St. Patrick's Day parade?

Well, I work in NYC...the parade has been cancelled this year.  

Most Long Island towns (including mine) have parades on the weekend before, or the weekend after, St. Patrick's day.
6) Leprechauns are a symbol of St. Patrick's Day. These small Irish fairies are said to live in the forest, guarding their gold. Do you more often wear silver or gold?

I like both.
7) The signature color of St. Patrick's Day is green. Will you wear green next Tuesday?

I don't think I own anything green.
8) This week's featured artist, Elvis, was the idol of millions. But not the Songfellows. In the early 1950s, a young Elvis auditioned for this gospel group and they refused him. Just as well, as the King of Rock 'n Roll did rather well for himself as a solo. Like Elvis, did you ever interview for a job that you didn't get?

More times than I can count.
9) Random question: Do you believe women are more emotional than men?

I think men and women are equally emotional.  Women process emotions differently than men, though, and express themselves in very different ways than men do.


  1. My mother ended up living in the house she spent her teens in, the house her parents built. Shortly after I was born, her parents wanted to downsize and sold the house to my mom and dad. She then continued to live there another 50 years. She loved that backyard!

  2. The reptile house is the one I'd skip, if I were short on time.

  3. My brother end up buying my parents home. I am okay in a reptile house because they are contained.

  4. I am glad I do not live in any of the homes I lived in with my parents. I own one of them, but I use it for rental property and can barely stand to set foot in it.

  5. I am not sure I have much green in my closet anymore. I used to have a lot, but not anymore. I am not sure what I am going to wear. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!


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