Promotional failure

So last night Drew and I headed to our local movie theater to see Malifecent Mistress of Evil.

Yes, I know, the movie doesn’t open until Friday, but we were able to snag two free tickets to an advance screening sponsored by a local radio station.

The event was scheduled to be held in one of the few Long Island movie theaters that has not converted to assigned seating (I have to admit I’m spoiled by the reclining seats in the new theaters) so we arrived an hour before showtime in order to get good seats.  Bought our snacks and got on line.  Drew made a quick trip back to the car to lock up our cell phones — Disney personnel were collecting everyone’s phone before they let us into the theater.  (They protect their intellectual property.)

So the folks from the radio station did some shtick.  Then the lights were lowered, and we saw a few promos for ABC TV and Disney shows.

And then ...nothing.

And then the house lights came up for a few minutes, and we could see someone busy in the projection room.

The house lights went down again.

And ... nothing.

House lights came back up.  And we sat.  And sat.  And sat,

And eventually came the announcement.  “We’re not going to be able to show the movie tonight.”

But we did get free passes to see another movie, along with coupons for free popcorn and soda when we go.


  1. Well all the freebies worked out. One of the best parts of going to a theater / movie is the popcorn!! Seriously. I liked the first movie, so this one is probably a good one too.

  2. Bummer. Advance screenings are nice, but technical difficulties happen. At least you got free passes out of it.

  3. I've never been to an advance screening so at least now I know what to expect. Except for a trip to Brooklyn last year where my cousin wanted to see a movie, I haven't been to a movie theatre in a whole lot of years. Alana

  4. Last time I went to a movie theater the chair was so uncomfortble that last time I say a movie.
    And movie was Dark Shadow with Johnny Depp.
    Coffee is on


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