A Bangled Rocktober

It was the 80's.  I was young and single, sharing an apartment in Brooklyn with another girl, working in Manhattan, and falling in love with the man who would eventually become my husband.

And every morning, as I got ready to go to work, I'd listen to radio station Z-100, the Z Morning Zoo with Scott Shannon and Ross Brittain.

And this song would come on:

And the station would overdub the song, changing the lyric to "Z Zoo Monday".

(Shannon is doing morning drive time at CBS-FM these days, still playing hits from the 80's, and Brittain's doing a weekend show at that station.)

And then it was 1987, and this song was played at my wedding:

30 years later, watching the video of the wedding, and seeing everyone do that dance...


  1. Ah, the '80's... my first full decade as a more-or-less adult... good memories...

  2. "Manic Monday" usually pisses me off. That boyfriend of hers in the song...

  3. I've always liked Manic Monday... and I remember trying to do the 'Walk Like An Egyptian' dance when it came out. I was not very coordinated (still not!)


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