Wednesday Hodgepodge


This week's questions from Joyce.

1. On this first official day of spring tell us something (besides the weather) you're looking forward to in this season of the year.

Spring means outdoor walks, blooming flowers and songbirds.  A change of wardrobe.  It means baseball season has begun.  The spring holidays.  And no snow.

2. When it comes to spring cleaning would you rather wash windows or wash baseboards? Clean out closets or clean out the garage? Dust ceiling fans or dust bookcases? Wipe down the patio furniture outside or wipe down the light fixtures inside? Any of these tasks recently completed?

Sorry, I am not inot housework, and refuse to discuss it unless you want to hear moaning and groaning.

3. Your favorite thing to make/eat that calls for cream cheese? Sour cream? Whipped cream?

Cream cheese?  Straight up on a bagel, or as a base for a good cheesecake.  Sour cream?  that goes on a baked potato.  Whipped cream?  Almost any way you can serve it.  I even like Redii whip straight out of the can.

4. I read here a list of commonly mispronounced words. What is a word that gives you trouble when it comes to pronunciation?

There are a lot of words I don't know how ot pronounce. In the old days that meant having to lug out the dictionary.  Now I just Google it.

5. What's a song you love with the word 'rain' in the title or lyrics?

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

Hunkering down for yet another nor'easter is no fun. 


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