Hitchcock’s “The Birds”

So it was Sunday morning, and Drew and I were eating breakfast, and the TV was on.  And we were flipping through the channels, trying to find something to watch.

And there it was:  Alfred Hitchcock’s “The Birds”.  An iconic movie, a cultural touchstone.

And though we are both Hitchcock fans, neither of us had seen the whole movie from start to finish.

We’d both seen bits and pieces, of course.  And parodies (Mel Brooks comes to mind).

Of course we had to watch.  And of course we enjoyed every minute of it.

The best horror movies are about the ordinary turning inexplicably horrifying. And that’s exactly what Hitchcock did in this movie.

My favorite scene was when the gas station blew up, and the seagulls showed up oh so casually to witness the aftermath.

You know how much I love birds ...but this movie truly scared me.


  1. I don't think I've seen this all the way through, either. But, I have an aversion to creature features, so I'll rewatch another Hitchcock favorite instead. There are several to choose from ;)

  2. Where the teacher had her eyes plucked out? It's been so many years - I think I was in terror for most of the movie. My husband liked Hitchcock -I liked some (North by Northwest, Vertigo), but not others. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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