More this and that

Work is getting in the way of work.  I’m so busy that I wound up bringing the laptop to Drew’s House this weekend. Spent the better part of Saturday afternoon and a few hours on Sunday catching up.  And telling myself the being busy is good, that ‘busy” = “job security”.  Considering I have a friend whose employer is slowly winding down its business, and he can’t find another job ...I’ll take “busy” over waiting for the other shoe to drop ...

But still, it’s been stressful, and I am so grateful that Drew sent me to the relaxation center for a massage.  45 minute back massage, 45 minute foot massage, and I am so much happier.

You have to love a man who cooks.  He’s in the kitchen right now, preparing something for dinner.  And later we are going to watch the Oscars.

So I have had some fun this weekend.

We are going to Philadelphia on Tuesday to see his specialist again. His symptoms have gotten worse since we were there in December, and we are concerned.

I’m glad the appointment is Tuesday, not Wednesday, since the forecast for Wednesday is starting to get scary ... perhaps another nor’easter, like the one we had on Friday.  That was a truly miserable storm. My office actually closed mid afternoon because of the weather.  

Sigh.  Back to work tomorrow.


  1. Yup, busy is good. But it still sucks when you want to have time for yourself. Stay warm.

  2. I have mix feeling on being busy with work..

  3. Does your "friend" who will soon be unemployed have the same initials as Superman's girlfriends?

  4. Yes, Jim Bo, it’s him. He thinks he’ll be done as early as next month.


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