another this and that

So it's November.  Another new month stretches before me. Time is flying by so quickly lately.

I made it through the Ultimate Blog challenge, I posted on this blog every day throughout the month of October.  I migjht do it again, but for now I'll just be posting when I feel like it.

I heard on the radio yesterday that October 2017 is officially the warmest October on record.  Funny, I thought that was October 1990, the month before Jen was born...

Hard to believe she's going to be 27 years old next week.  Yes, I have an almost-27-year-old daughter.  She's going out on Saturday night to celebrate -- just Jen, Becca, Jen's boyfriend and a handful of friends at an Italian restaurant.  I hope they have a great time.

Becca starts a new job today.  Instead of working as a paralegal in a very large law firm, she'll be working in the marketing department of an even larger law firm.  She says this is the direction she wants to go, that she's thinking of taking a graduate degree in business.

I had a follow-up visit with my primary care physician yesterday.  Got my flu shot, so I'm ready for winter. Also found out that the medication I'm taking for my knee has known side effects that concern my doctor, he wants me to stop taking the medication on a daily basis.  I've ben taking this medication for six months.  Oh, joy.

Tonight is the annual sisterhood membersihp dinner at my synagogue.  We get together for cocktails and dinner, raffles, gossip, etc.  This year they're going with a Mexican theme.  Should be fun.

It's November.  And the fall weather has finally arrived.  Looking forward to the challenges and joys this month will bring.


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