Another this and that

Too busy to blog?  Unfortunately, yes.

It's been crazy busy at work lately.  And I do mean crazy.  And not likely to get much better until after Labor Day. Funny, things are supposed to slow down in the summer.

But I was out of the office one day last week so that Drew and I could go to Philadelphia for his post-surgical follow up visit.  He's doing very well, the doctor was pleased.

And then I was out of the office on business, a group of us made a presentation to a potential client.  Which meant all the other things I needed to do had to wait. (The boss took us out to lunch to go over the presentation before we met with the client -- restaurant review is in the works.)

My boss is on vacation this week, so I may have to field a call or two ... and I'm covering the desk of a vacationing coworker.

I went to a political meet and greet last week.  Local candidates.  We are choosing a new town supervisor this year, there are two seats open on the town council, and we're electing a new representative to the county legislature.  All politics are local, they say.

I had a really good time at a Fandango event last week.  Several years ago there was an awful, low-budget movie called The Five Doctors.  The "five doctors" referred to in the title were each of the five incarnations of "Dr. Who" that existed at the time.  The Fifth Doctor met up with his previous selves and their companions.  Throw in cybermen, the Master, a dalek, and a traitor on Galifree ...and you've got a terrible movie ripe for 
Rifftrax.  Hysterically funny.  (We tried a new Chinese restaurant that night -- review coming.)

I'm hoping to have the time to blog about the dinner cruise to Fire Island -- took lots of pictures -- and our annual trek to the Renaissance Faire.  

Time seems to be a commodity in short supply these days.


  1. Thre rarely seems to be enough time. And if I get a chance to relax - I can't. Like now. Alana

  2. Just think of all the blog posts you'll have for when you've got time to write. Topics galore :)


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