Weight isssues -- again

So...most weight loss specialists will tell you that the best way to gauge your progress is to weigh yourself once a week.

I have not been following that advice.  And I've found that my weight fluctuates by as much as three pounds over the course of a week.   And it's making me crazy.  So I'm going to stay off the scale, weigh myself only on Monday mornings. 

I haven't been on target these past few weeks.  I'm doing  Points Plus, the old Weight Watchers program, tracking on iTrackBites.  I'm using too many of my "weekly points" early in the week, which isn't leaving me enough for a weekend splurge.  I think I need to readjust my weekday menus.

I'm readjusting my physical fitness program; it's time to shake things up.    When I first started this process, my "exercise" was limited to taking long walks.  When that wasn't enough, I added a membership at Planet Fitness.  They have circuit training equipment and cardio equipment, but little else. 

During the summer I was able to swim at Drew's community pool to add variety to the program. 

And then, in September, I signed up for a yoga class at my local high school.  I really liked it, but the program was short -- it ended in December, and wouldn't start up again until March.  So I found another class, this time at the public library, the session began in December and ends next week, with another session beginning the following week.  But I'm not signing up again.

Instead, I'm dropping my Planet Fitness membership and rejoining the Y/Jewish Community Center.

Why the Y?

I used to be a member of the Y, mostly for the social and cultural aspects  -- support groups, Jewish education, theater arts, etc.    So the place feels like home, it feels comfortable to be in the building.

And because they have all the same equipment as Planet Fitness, they offer yoga classes (and others), and they have a pool.    I really miss swimming, and I may want to try aqua aerobics.

And because I paid a "building fund" fee the last time I was a member, my monthly costs this time around are very, very reasonable.

Gotta keep moving!


  1. It's so hard, isn't it? I quit going to the YMCA (no YMHA around here)about three years, but never gave my membership up Perhaps I should go back....Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  2. I'm a member of T.O.P.S taking off pounds sensible.
    But once we meet a health goal weight and we be come K.O.P.S keeping pounds of sensible.
    And once you become tops you can't go 3 pounds above your goal weigh or under by 5 pounds.
    I'm a long way from it.
    Coffee is on


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