
 Drew and I have been going to the New York Renaissance Faire practically since its inception decades ago. (This year is the Faire’s 47th season.)  It’s a wonderful festival full of entertainment, Faire food, shopping, etc. 

We went last weekend and had a marvelous time.

Jon Norton, the Flaming Ginger.  Comedy, juggling and (of course) fire stunts,

Cirque du Sewer, an act featuring cats and rats.  You may have seen them on America’s Got Talent.  One of her cats did not cooperate but chose to spend the entire performance hiding in the bushes.


Aaron Bonk, who uses whips. juggling and fire. (You may recall we saw him perform on the Celebrity Constellation during our December 2022 cruise.  Very different from his show at the Faire.)

There are two running “stories” being played out at the Faire.  We are in “the Shire” on the day Queen Elizabeth and her Court visit.  And throughout the day you’ll see scenes from the Robin Hood story at various locations all over the fairgrounds.  The two stories intersect midday, at the Living Chess Board, a display of hand-to-hand combat.

And after lunch, more entertainment 

Arsene Dupin’s Magikhana Show.  Humor, juggling and close up magic.  Lots of interaction with the audience.  His entire performance is done without speaking a single word.

Jamila Lotus Dance Carnivale.

And then there’s Ded Bob.  A puppet act.  The puppeteer wears a face covering because he is not a ventriloquist. 

It’s a comedy act, a bit risqué.  (He does an R rated version at the end of the day.) Most of the jokes are real “groaners”.

Vixens En Garde.  They flip gender roles — they tell a story out of Shakespeare, the women taking the male parts and some poor  man from the audience cast as the female.  This year they performed Romeo and Juliet.

And finally, the joust.  

We were on the side rooting for the blue knight, who turned out to be the villain.

There were so many other acts I would have liked to have seen.  You really do need more than one day to see it all,


  1. I always had great fun at the Renaissance Faire. Were the Singing Executioners there?

  2. I've been to a "Scottish Renaissance Faire" twice. Not sure how that differs, as I hadn't been to others. No horses. Lots of hairy men in kilts! And a queen, not sure who it was.

    1. The NY Faire does a Celtic weekend … lots of men in kilts


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