Eisenhower Park redux

 So I went to visit some old friends last week,

I hadn’t been to the park since before the cricket matches — cricket was held in early June.  They’ve torn down the temporary stadium.  You’d never know it was there, they restored the landscaping and everything looks just as it used to.

It rained for a few minutes while I was at the lake.  But otherwise it was a lovely walk.


  1. All would be my friends, too - except maybe the Canada geese. If only they could be toilet trained.

    1. Aren't the messy? They like the freshly mowed grass at the park (or the former park, it's being renovated right now) and their poops are terrible! Huge and everywhere and dogs like them!

  2. Are those cormorants? I've never seen them just hanging around a park. The only time I've seen them was on the northern CA coast, flying in and out of sea caves.

  3. I can't believe you got that close to the goose. The turtles look happy.


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