O is for Octopus

Octopuses (yes, that’s the correct plural) are fascinating creatures.  octopuses are cephalopods related to squid and cuttlefish.  8 legs, 3 hearts, blue blood, extremely smart.  They breathe through gills but can survive out of the water for short periods and can even crawl on land.  They prefer to crawl rather than swim, because their third heart (the one that pumps blood throughout the body, not the gills) stops beating when they swim. Octopus ink not only hides the animal, but also harm  its predators by irritating its eyes and interfering with its sense of smell.  Octopuses can be as small as an inch or as large at 16 feet.

There was a prehistoric octopus with 10 legs.

Some octopus music:


  1. When they are out and not hiding in their rocks, octopuses are fun to watch at the aquarium. They seem smart and seem to know we watch them!

  2. I had so much fun making octopus hats a couple years back. I hear they're quite intelligent.

  3. If it had ten legs, it'd be a decapus.


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