Jumbled thoughts

 So it’s been a tumultuous week.  The funeral, sitting shiva, celebrating my mother’s life.  Seeing people from the various aspects of our lives — relatives, my friends, my sisters’ friends, my daughters’ friends, even friends of my parents.  Talking about old times.

Years ago, my father took my mother to Italy for a vacation.  My father had been stationed in Italy during World War II and had come to love the country, and wanted to share the experience with my mother.  

They were in Venice, at a cafe overlooking a canal, and they ordered a wine they had never heard of before. It was a sparking wine, similar to champagne:  Prosecco.

When they returned home they tracked down that wine. Few people in the US had heard of it.  It soon became their favorite.  And shortly thereafter, America discovered Prosecco.

So we toasted my mother’s life with Prosecco.


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