Wednesday Hodgepodge

 1. How would you define 'old'? At what age is someone old? 

You're as old as you feel.  Age is just a number, pick one you like. 

2. A place you've been that's old? Tell us something about your visit there.

This is the pyramid at Chichen Itza, in the Yucatan. Mayan ruins dating back centuries.   We were on a cruise in 2016, and when the ship made port in Cozumel, we had to go to Chichen Itza.  We spent more time traveling than we did exploring the site, but it was worth every minute of that bus ride.  The entire site is amazing.


3. Something you miss about the 'good old days'? When were they anyway? 

There was a time, back in the late 80's and early 90's, when I had a small group of friends who got together every weekend.  That group dissolved -- people get divorced, move away, pass on... 

4. In what way are you a 'chip off the old block'? Or if you'd rather, in what way is your child a 'chip off the old block'? 

My younger daughter has the same passion and intensity for political debate as I do.  

5. Old fashioned, Old Testament, old timer, same old same old, old glory, good old boy, old wives tale...choose an 'old' phrase that relates to something in your life or the wider world currently and explain. 

I chose "Old Testament".  Tonight Jews from around the world will begin the observation of Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the holiest day of  the year. Tomorrow in the synagogue we will read  Leviticus 16:1-34, Leviticus 18:1-30, Numbers 29:7-11 and Isaiah 57:14 - 58:14.  The ritual never changes, the Bible portions are the same every year for Yom Kippur.

On Yom Kippur we fast and pray, and ask the Almighty to forgive our sins. The passages from Leviticus and Numbers talk about purification rituals, specifically the "scape goat" that is sacrificed to atone for the peoples' sins. .  Isaiah focuses on sin and repentance.    

6. Insert your own random thought here.  

Our last cruise was in October 2016.  In 14 months and 4 weeks we will board the Celebrity Constellation for our next cruise. 


  1. Have fun on your cruise. I'm sure it'll be great to get away. (My father and his wife had a cruise planned. Alas, she just fell and broke her leg/hip, so they had to cancel.)

  2. Robin,

    In the mid to late 80s we were part of a group of friends that got together monthly over hosted by one of the friends which eventually ended because of various reasons. I missed those gatherings. I know you're excited about the cruise in the very near future. I really hope we can take that New England vacation next spring. It was nice reading your response, my dear. ;)

  3. Great answers. How cool to see pyramids

  4. Day of Atonement, such an important thing. My atonement and forgiveness
    are through the sacrifice of the Messiah.
    How nice to be able to look forward to that next cruise!


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