What is it?

This weed showed up on my patio around mid July, and now it’s over five feet tall.

I wish the flowers I planted had been as successful…but they died…

Really, what is this thing?


  1. I am far from a plant ID expert. I wouldn't touch the plant with bare hands until you get an ID, just in case. The good news is, to me, it does not appear to be hogweed, which can get quite tall and can cause severe burns and even blindness. Do you have a Cornell extension service out where you live? You could try showing them these pictures. (Don't take cuttings!) I'd like to know what you are told, if someone can ID this. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

    1. I sent this to someone who knows her plants, and got an immediate answer. Her guess is hemp (not cannabis; the plants do differ in appearance). She told me there used to be hemp farming in the county where you live and it's possible it's a wild descendant of those plants. It definitely didn't look like cannabis but hemp, I think (after more online research) is a possibility. Alana

    2. It's scary ;looking...I won't be touching it any time soon.

  2. We have lots of weird looking weeds here in England. Mum wishes her plants grew as quick as those annoying weeds.

  3. There is a plant identifier app. Alas, I don't recall its name. Otherwise, I can be of no help. It sounds like it was identified for you in the comments, though.

  4. It sort of look like off strain of pot plant. Liz is right there is plant identifier app. Or on photo you could take photo of it and do google search. My last suggestion is get hold of our your county extension office, they should have someone in there office to help you.
    Coffee is on and stay safe


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