Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. Monday, August 16th was National Roller Coaster Day. Are you a fan? Did you celebrate? Last place/time you rode a roller coaster? 

March 2019, we were in Disney World in Florida.  I love the coasters at Disney, they're just my speed.  Not too tall, not too scary.

2. Tell us about a time in your life where it felt like you were figuratively riding a roller coaster. 

My life tends to run on an even keel.  But when I saw this question I flashed back 30 years, to one weekend...

Jen was six months old, Becca had not yet been born.  Drew and I had been living in a one bedroom apartment before Jen came along, but now it was time to get a bigger place.

We wanted to stay in the same neighborhood, because my aunt was our baby sitter while we were at  work.  I'd drop Jen off at my aunt's house every morning, and Drew would pick her up after work.   So when we found a really great apartment in the same neighborhood, we were ecstatic.    We found a two bedroom apartment just four blocks away. (I looked at the second bedroom and said "We could fit two kids in here with no problem".)  We rented a truck  and enlisted a group of our friends to help us move.

We moved on a Friday.  Or rather, we started the moving process on Friday, but didn't finish moving until the next day.  My couch spent an hour stuck in the elevator...and that was just the beginning of the move from hell. (When we moved out of the two bedroom a few years later, we hired professionals -- I think there would have been a murder if we'd tried to do it ourselves.) At least Jen was with my aunt.

And then, Friday afternoon I got a phone call...a job offer.  Very exciting. (I took the offer, wound up working for that company for over 7 years.)

And then...Saturday.  We finally had everything out of the old apartment, finally had everything in our new apartment.  I went to my aunt's house, picked up my baby and took her to our new home. Exhausted, we went to bed early.

And were awakened by a phone call.  My aunt had passed away.

3. Favorite treat to eat at an amusement park or state fair? 

Funnel cake or zeppole. Fried dough with powdered sugar.

4. Are you easy to get along with? Elaborate. 

I can be argumentative at times (comes with the territory), but most of the time I'm very laid back.

5. Something on your calendar to see-do-read-accomplish or just enjoy before month's end? 

I haven't spent as much time down at the beach as I intended.  I'm going to have to make some time to do that.

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

My newest favorite thing is to slice a zucchini or yellow squash, coat it in a mixture of panko and parmesan, and bake it in the oven.  Great side dish or appetizer.


  1. Your #6 sounds yummy. So sad about your aunt. I had a move just as disastrous once, but we had actually hired movers. It's worse then, somehow, even if not as labor intensive.

  2. Yes Disney has great rides. Oh my, that was definitely a roller coaster ride in your life. So sorry about your aunts passing. What did you do after that for daycare? Funnel Cake was my choice. Yes, you must go to the beach! Yum, I've done something similar with zucchini and we loved it.

    1. My then-friend Darlene became our nanny for awhile. She was between jobs and loved my daughter, so it worked.

    2. That move truly was a roller coaster. So sad that your aunt passed away, sounds like your friend Darlene was the perfect solution. Strange how things seem to work out isn't it? I don't know where you live but beach days should be a priority! Our summer is very, very short so outdoor fun is at the top of our list every day!

  3. Oh my, what a story! I trust you found another good babysitter nearby, but how sad. Neither do I buy or eat hotdogs, but I would if I ever were at an amusement park. I could make that one unlikely compromise. LOL! The squash/zucchini idea sounds delicious and easy.

  4. I try hard not to argue but man, sometimes I just have to.


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