Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. Let's start things off right...Wednesday is National Dessert Day. What are we having? How often do you  make/serve dessert? Store bought or from scratch? 

We don't do dessert often, but when we do, it's usually something from the bakery.

2. Slow as molasses, icing on the cake, that's the way the cookie crumbles, have your cake and eat it too, half-baked idea, that takes the cake...which phrase might be applied to something in your life in recent days? Explain. 

Lately time seems to be moving slow as molasses. I am looking forward to Halloween and then to Election Day.

3. Something that's 'easy as pie' for you to do?

Don't start with me...

4. Are you someone who likes to 'sugarcoat' news you think might not be well received, or are you more of a tell it like it is and let the chips fall where they may? Do you like to receive your news the same way you give it? 

I am not into sugarcoating.  

5. Something you did recently that made you feel like a 'smart cookie'?

I made a prediction about something that was going to happen at work, and it did. 

6. Insert your own random thought here. 

The yummy dessert I had on my birthday, back in February...


  1. Dessert? Now that's making me hungry. . .

  2. I know a few people who love to heavily debate various topics for fun. No one gets offended they just spar back and forth. I usually have to walk away because I feel myself getting tense ;)
    That dessert looks delicious!

  3. That dessert looks yummy. Thanks for your visit.

  4. I feel the art of a great debate has been lost in recent years. Nobody listens and everybody has such an intense need to make their point, the right one of course. I enjoyed debate when I was younger but now it makes my stomach hurt. Have a nice weekend!


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