Wednesday HodgePodge

 1. What's one part of your everyday routine you'd be better off without? 

Do you mean something I wish I didn't have to do?  Or something I do that I should not be doing?  I'll answer the latter.  I drink far too much diet soda.

2. October 5th is/was National Do Something Nice Day. So what did you/will you do? 

I'm going out tonight.  Maybe I'll bring home some cannoli for Drew...

3. What question do you hate to answer? 

This one.

4. Do we have control over technology or does it have control over us. In that same vein, have you watched The Social Dilemma (available on Netflix) and if so what did you think?

I haven't seen The Social Dilemma yet.  It's on my list.   I think we have become very dependent on our technology, but I think we are still in control -- for the moment.  I can't help but think about all those science fiction stories I read in college, where technology took over...

5. What are three small things that make your day better? 

 -- Coffee

-- Scott Shannon on the radio during morning drive time (I listen at home these days)

-- and last but not least

Duchess has become  my favorite office assistant.

6. Insert your own random thought here.

Candy corn, yea or nay?  I've got a whole jar of it in the house right now.


  1. 1. I drink way too many diet pepsis every single day. What is your favorite? Your answer to number 3 made me laugh out loud!! I love candy corn but don't eat sugar these days! I really love those little pumpkin candies in your jar!!

  2. I do love candy corn. Or, at least, I used to. Considering how they cheap out on lots of things manufactured, I have no idea if candy corn is as good as it was when I was a kid.

  3. Candy corn: yea. I've always loved it.
    A few years ago, I quit all soda cold turkey. It was hard, but I don't regret it now. I love my coffee and tea (mostly herbal).
    Enjoy these autumn days!

  4. Your office assistant is adorable. As for Candy Corn, I like it but sure don't need it.


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