

Rocktober begins on a bittersweet note as we remember the lives of Helen Reddy and Mac Davis.  

Here’s Helen singing a song Mac wrote.

Here’s Mac

Bet you didn’t know he wrote this one

And close it out with an encore


  1. Such a sad day for me! I had been listening to Mac Davis practically every day for the past several weeks. I heard the news about Helen Reddy as I headed off to bed, and when I woke up, I learned about Mac Davis. Helen Reddy had been mentioned on my blog a week or so ago when I did my Two-Step Tuesday post on Tanya Tucker - she had a cover of Delta Dawn that did fairly well.
    Thanks for joining in RocktoberMusicFest! Looking forward to a great month of music.

  2. You missed my favorite Helen Reddy song, "Angie Baby," but this is a nice tribute to a couple of '70's music icons.

  3. I am going to have a tribute on my blog Monday for Music Moves Me; I had also come up with Mac Davis singing "In the Ghetto" and I can see why it worked so well for Elvis-and for Mac Davis - in fact, I actually liked the Mac Davis one better. A sad way to end September and begin October. Alana


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