Getting Out of Jury Duty

No, not me.  Drew.

Drew is a teacher.  He retired from full-time teaching several years ago and now supplements his pension by working as a substitute.  If he doesn't work, he doesn't get paid.

Serving jury duty in the summer would not have been a problem.  Being summoned in October, however....

He had to report last Wednesday.  And he, along with about 30 other potential jurors, was sent to an impaneling room where a jury would be selected for a negligence case involving an injured child.

So the lawyers start questioning each potential juror about their jobs, their families, their personal lives...

And Drew tells them that his girlfriend is a lawyer, that she specializes in insurance defense, and that she currently works for "XYZ Insurance Company".

And the lawyers say "Thank you very much, you are dismissed."

And the clerk of the court says "Thank you for your jury service, see you next time you are summoned." (He's exempt for the next six years.)

I guess I am his "get out of jury duty" card....


  1. 6 years? 6 years! That would be worth it to move to New York. We're only exempt for a year after we "serve". (I'm in month 3 of my free year. Yay.)

  2. I'm sure, once I retire, I'll never be called. Alana

  3. I am on jury duty now, until end of year.
    Coffee is on

  4. Omg Liz, every other year? Around here it used to be 4 years...

    The last time I was called, there were 150 of us standing in the hallway in the criminal court building. When the defendant saw u, he decided to accept the plea bargain. That was about 5 years ago, I think. I’m probably due soon.

    Time before that was about 20 years ago. I was sent to an impaneling room for an auto accident case. I knew I’d never be selected. When they heard what I do for a living, I was gone.

    Dora, are you actually on a jury, or are you just available to be picked?


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