A wake and a weird story

We’re going to a wake today.  J was 64 years old, far too young.  He had some sort of infection, had been in the hospital for months.

I didn’t know J well, I’d met him only twice.  J’s sister R, who died two years ago, was Drew’s sister’s best friend in high school.  Drew and I bought a car from J in 1987, and I didn’t see him again until R’s wake two years ago.

Which brings me to the weird story.

J adored his older sister.  They lived next door to each other, R in the house their parents owned, J in the house their parents built for him when he got married.  R never married, and J took care of her.  

R died on November 20, 2016, just two weeks shy of her 66th birthday.  She was home alone when she suffered a fatal heart attack.  J found her body around 2:30 that afternoon.

J died on November 20, 2018 at around 2:30 PM.

Two of J’s children say that last week they dreamed of their Aunt R, and that R told them “I’m coming to get your father, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it.”

You could say that the kids dreamed about R because she was on their minds:  the anniversary of her death was approaching, and they were fearful because J was very ill.

But the fact that he died two years to the day ... and around the same time of day...that’s spooky.


  1. Were they two years apart in age?

    That was my mother's birthday. Just noticing...

  2. How event in someone life can be some what strange and or interesting.
    Coffee is on

  3. That is a bit spooky, yes.I'm convinced that not everything in life is a "coincidence" and that messages can be sent via dreams. There is a lot we don't understand. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com


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