getting tired

I'm thinking it might be time to resign from the temple's Board of Trustees.  I was asked to join the board many years ago, because I was active on several committees, most notably "catering", "education" and "social action".

I joined the education committee when the girls were in Hebrew school, it was like joining the PTA at their public school.

Catering...well, there's a story behind that.  Our synagogue had a contract with a kosher caterer, and when it was time to plan Jen's bat mitzvah, I booked a party with the temple's caterer.  Who promptly went into bankruptcy, taking my deposit into the abyss.  Got involved with the committee out of my own self interest.

Social action, that's the committee that organizes the food drive for the kosher food pantry, that collects paperback books to send to Israel, that arranges the annual "locks of love" event at the temple.  It's the committee I enjoy the most.

so i was asked to serve on the board.  And now I have different committees -- "insurance", "legal", "constitution", Hazak, and, of course, social action.

Insurance and legal are right up my alley, we handle the affairs of the temple.  the constitution committee is involved with the temple's bylaws.  Hazak is a social group, for temple members over 55 -- I'm technically too young to be a member, but somehow I found myself as co-chair of the committee.

I'm thinking it's becoming too much for me, that maybe I should not seek reelection when my term expires in June.  Maybe cut back and just keep working with social action.

Maybe it's just the politics and personalities. Maybe it's because the same group of people wind up doing all the work.

It would give me some time to pursue other activities.  Spend some time doing other things.

Haven't made up my mind yet.  But I have to decide soon.  The nominating committee will be announced in March, and the chair will ask me for if I want to run for reelection shortly after that.
