movies you watch over and over

what movies can you watch over and over again? where you've seen them so many times you can recite pages of dialogue by heart? where, if the movie happens to be on TV, you choose to watch it no matter how well you know the ending?

I have a few movies I can put in that category. The first, and my favorite, is Casablanca. Exotic locale, wartime tension, interesting characters, a complicated love story and no happy ending.

The Wizard of Oz also comes to mind.I even paid to see this at the multiplex last fall, though I have most of the film memorized.

Ghost always makes me laugh, and cry.

And Men in Black is a guilty pleasure.


  1. Something else we have in common along with some of our top five concerts ;-)

    Ghost & Men in Black for sure. My Favorite Year and Field of Dreams round out my list.


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