18 years ago today....

I was four days past my due date and feeling absolutely miserable.

I'd found out I was pregnant again just a few days before jen's birthday. with a due date in July, that would put the age difference between my children at 20 months.

A due date of July 4th -- we referred to the child as "Yankee Doodle Dandy."

Jen had been born a day before my due date...but that Independence Day, as we stood on the balcony of our apartment and watched the fireworks all over the neighborhood, i knew that my second child would be born "late".

on July 8, a warm, sunny Wednesday afternoon, Drew and I strapped jen into her car seat and drove to my obstetrician's office for my weekly appointment. I fully intended to ask him to induce labor...I had had enough...

...and he told me that I was already in labor -- despite not having felt so much as a single contraction -- and that the baby would be born tonight!

we had just enough time to drop Jen off at my parents' house before heading back to the docotr and then the hospital.

and at 10:17 that night, a little tiny baby girl came into this world.

hard to believe that little tiny baby girl is now a woman grown.

happy birthday Becca.


  1. Happy Birthday Becca!!!

    Great birth story too. When I was pregnant with my second child, I feared not knowing I was in labor (have no idea why I didn't worry with my first baby, but I didn't), so your story really hits home with me.


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