Wednesday HodgePodge is Back!

1. Howdy Hodgepodgers. It's kind of fun to be back, isn't it?  Last time we met was September, 2018. Tell me something big-important-happy-or sad that's happened in your life since that date. Just one thing. We don't know how long this current isolation situation is going to last and we might need to dole out our news bit by bit.

I started a new job on Monday.  Same field, different company and location.  One of the things I really liked is the office location.  Never expected to be working from home from day one of the new job.

2. Might as well get this out of the way early on...COVID-19. On a scale of 1-5 how serious are you about keeping your distance? Explain. fyi-I didn't create the scale but have seen it several places online. Also fyi-we won't only have virus related questions each week, but for this first one it feels right.

1-Not at all, living normally
2-Cautious but still going out
3-Going out as needed, mostly home or working from home, still seeing friends/family
4-Extremely limited, only going out when unavoidable, minimal contact with people
5-Full lockdown, no one in or out

I am somewhere between 3 and 4 right now.

3. Raise your hand if you think you might run out of steam in the cooking department before it's all said and done? What's something delcious you've cooked or eaten in your own kitchen in the past week?

I scored some ground beef, so I made pasta with meat sauce.

4. What's a television show or movie you've seen recently (it could be an oldie) that you really liked?

Frozen 2 was just released on Disney+.  It's not as good as the original, but I liked it.

5. Share something funny you've seen or heard this week.

6. Insert your own random thought here

What makes coronovirus different from 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, Superstorm Sandy, etc.?  The fact that we have to go this one relatively alone, that the very things we draw comfort from  --  concerts, sports, public gatherings -- are the things that must be off limits for now.


  1. Visiting today from the Hodgepodge :) Hope you will get to enjoy your new office location soon. I haven't seen Frozen 2 but should plan on it since I am home all the time now.

  2. I've worked from home for a few years now, it's a different way of working but a lovely way of working.

    1. I’ve worked from home before, but at a job I already knew. This is different. But I’ll manage.

  3. What a blessing that your new job can be done from home! I quit my job last week, which was a good thing for me, but I wasn't expecting it to be a bad time to find another one or for my husband to be at home, too. It's a whole lot of togetherness! LOL
    Have a great day!

  4. One of my friends just started a new job and is working from home. She had been there for a week when everything changed. But thankfully for you, you are able to work. That's wonderful. Your meme is one I haven't seen yet. Funny.

  5. Congratulations on your new job, enjoyed visiting.

  6. I love the Belle meme! Thanks for joining in today. Enjoy your new job. I'm sure it's really strange to start off this way. Hopefully things return to some sort of normal before too long. Take care and stay well!

  7. Congrats on your new job and hope you can navigate it well from home, now! It's so nice to visit podgers again. Stay safe and keep the Faith!

  8. I haven't found ground beef but I found a premade meatloaf at Sprouts and it was great!

  9. I'm between a 3 and 4, too. Although, not working from home... Definitely a weird time to change jobs, but as that was in the works when all this came down for you, glad they were still able to start you.

    Did you hear that CBS All Access is doing a free month trial? In case you need another streaming service...

    1. I'm a CBS all access customer, I had to have "Picard".

      Irony... one of the things about the new job was its location, a short commute and neighborhood I really like. But right now the commute I have is incredible....

  10. Hope you enjoy your new job. The Belle meme you shared is great!

  11. Thank you for visiting me at Raindrops and Rainbows!

    That's great you have a new job, hope it is a smooth transition during this difficult time.


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