(almost) wordless wednesday

Life in NYC just keeps getting better.

Sign on the entrance to my office building:



  1. We have hand washing videos in our work elevators, placards on all tables in the cafeteria instructing us to wipe down tables and armrests before and after use, wipes in all conference rooms, but no sign like that. Maybe that's next. I expect the virus to reach Broome County sooner rather than later. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  2. We are so tired of the virus being all over the news and what everyone is talking about. Common sense stuff. It will pass.

  3. UGH!!!! I am ready to scream over this (agreeing with My GBGV). Now I read that the governor has sent in the National Guard and declared (or going to) declare martial law in New Rochelle...umm...doesn't he expose the Guard? PLUS he is only locking down the Jewish community! UGH!!!!!!

    1. You are misinformed. As er the NY Times, "The affected area is a mix of homes and businesses, and it includes at least one country club, as well as houses of worship and a dozen schools — public, private and religious — where sporting events and student plays were already being canceled."

      Also, as per the Times, "Beginning Thursday, members of the state National Guard will be deployed to New Rochelle to clean schools and to deliver food to quarantined residents, including thousands of students who are now facing two weeks of being isolated at home. Mr. Cuomo said that large gathering places in the containment area, including schools, community centers and houses of worship, would be closed for two weeks.

      The state did not plan to close streets or to impose travel restrictions, Mr. Cuomo said, noting that he was only “containing facilities” where the virus might spread. Businesses like grocery stores and delis will remain open."

      that does not sound like "martial law" to me. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/10/nyregion/coronavirus-new-rochelle-containment-area.html

  4. Been doing these things for years during flu season. Will continue to do so.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. ♥

  5. Strange how all of this is playing out. Stay well.

  6. I have allergy sniffles and I've had 2 consecutive morning commutes now where somebody acted like I was Typhoid Mary. Isn't this fun?

    I have a friend who storm chases and he compared the way the city feels right now with the way it feels when he's waiting for a storm to start.

    1. I understand, I also have allergies and am coughing a bit.

      My sister did a freakout the other night. "they tell us to stay off the railroad and the subway, but how can I go to work if I do? And someone on the subway was coughing, and two people on the LIRR were coughing..."


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