More this and that

 I’m worried about Billy Joel.  You know he’s one of my favorite performers.  I’ve seen him in concert multiple times.  The other day a video circulated on social media, it showed Billy taking a fall on stage during a recent concert.  And today on his instagram he announced that he just had surgery and will require four months of recuperation and physical therapy, so he must postpone his concerts until July. 

Every Long Islander of a certain age has a “Billy Joel” story.  Mine is a bit remote — one of my favorite teachers in high school was in Billy’s graduating class at Hicksville High School.  She said she barely knew who he was because he never came to class.  Drew actually met Billy Joel before he became famous, at an old-fashioned ice cream parlor in Hicksville where Drew’s older sister and her friends would sometimes hang out (and yes, the place is still in business, decades later — they sell sandwiches, etc. as well as ice cream).  And the fan girl in me is delighted to be living just a few blocks from Billy’s childhood home.

So it turns out that the horrific brush fires were caused by…a family making s’mores.  They were using cardboard to help light the fire.  There’s a burn ban in place now, so hopefully there won’t be any additional fires.

There’s been a change of decor around here.  


And outside

My lawn is so brown … I’m hoping for lots of rain soon, so the lawn will bounce back from the drought.

Yes, spring is here … baseball is in the midst of spring training, Opening Day for the Mets is March 27. I think it’s going to be a great season.

Drew just bought our tickets for the Ducks’ baseball games.  We’re going to 9 games.  We like to see at least one game with each team in the league, and we always try to go to a game where there’s either a giveaway (like a t shirt) or fireworks. This year the Ducks are celebrating their 25th anniversary; they’ve been playing baseball in Central Islip  since the summer of 2000. Opening day is April 25th.

Yes, I’m getting excited for the new season.


  1. Spring is here, and even the calendar will be in agreement very soon! It's so easy for fires to get away from you.

  2. Re Billy Joel, this makes me wonder if he underwent some kind of spinal fusion or other back surgery. Some of those surgeries require extensive physical therapy, and I wish him well. Hopefully he won't have to cancel summer concerts in the New York City (or other) area(s).

    1. You may be right. I’m thinking of going to one of the NYC concerts.

  3. Ah, the fires were an accident. Yeah, that happens. It sucks, but at least it wasn't intentional.

  4. We start in San Diego, just lik the old days when the Braves were in the NL West...

  5. Replies
    1. Yeah, during a concert at Mohegan Sun in Connecticut. Here’s a video.


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