The Lockhorns

 Are you familiar with a comic called The Lockhorns?  It’s a single-panel comic, syndicated to newspapers all across the country.  It follows the adventures of a middle-aged married couple, Leroy and Loretta Lockhorn.  They’re supposed to be a typical suburban couple.   They’re sarcastic, they exchange barbs far more often than pleasantries, but underneath it all they love each other.

Sometimes I think Drew and I are a lot like the Lockhorns.

And today I remembered something that really made me laugh.

When the comic was first published, back in 1968, it was called The Lockhorns of Levittown.


  1. I do know them! I don't get a newspaper anymore, and often forget about GoComics online.

  2. No, I'm not familiar with them. Maybe they're an east coast thing?

    1. They started as an East Coast thing but they’re nationally syndicated now.


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