Bridal Shower

 Everything was ready!

Yes, those are pink jellybeans on the table …

The party was wonderful.  Becca was glowing.  

And there’s a side story …

My Aunt Eileen, of blessed memory, loved bridal showers.  And she loved to do craft projects.  Every bride I. Our family would receive a shower gift from Eileen: a beautifully decorated umbrella.  She’d sew lace and artificial flowers onto the umbrella, to be used as a party decoration and then kept as a momento. 

My umbrella is buried somewhere in my parents’ garage.  But my cousin loaned her umbrella to my sisters, to be used as a decoration at Becca’s shower.

Eileen died before Becca was born, but I’m sure she would have loved my baby — she loved Jennifer so much — so it was nice to have a piece of my aunt at the party.


  1. I'm sure you all could feel Aunt Eileen's presence at the shower, and I'm happy she was there with you, in sprit if not in fact.

  2. What a cute idea, an umbrella for a shower! Honestly, I never thought of that, or saw it before.

  3. What a lovely memento of a well-loved relative.


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