More ramblings

 The pink jelly bean crisis has resolved.  On to the next crisis…

I filed a formal dispute with PayPal over the dress I ordered for the shower, the purple one that never arrived. I will wear the teal backup dress 👗 

I still need shoes for the dress I’m going to wear for the wedding, I can’t get the dress altered until I get shoes…

We are looking to move.  This house is ok but too small, I’m not crazy about waking up to Little League games in the park every weekend, I don’t like dealing with the annual pine cone and needle invasion, and our landlord … ‘nuff said.  So we think we found a house, the broker said it was a “go” but now seems to be backpedaling …

My former colleague’s files … I will be very busy for awhile.

Deep breaths …


  1. Oh no, you have to move again? I'm so sorry. That sucks. Good luck on the shoe front. I'm sure you'll find the perfect pair.

  2. Being the mother of a bride and attempting a move at the same time? It's too bad the house didn't work out but fortunately it was a rental.

  3. So the broker got you all excited about a house and is now backing off? That blows...


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