The end (of summer) is near

 I can't believe Labor Day is almost here, that the summer is coming to an end.   In a few short days, Drew will host his annual Labor Day barbecue, and then our attention will turn to autumn.

It's been a very full summer, filled with ball games, beach trips, etc., but ...

Labor Day seems to be the dividing line between the seasons.  Maybe that's because here in the northeast the school year begins right after Labor Day, so I've always thought of September as the beginning of autumn.  Yes, the weather will remain warm and summery for a few more weeks, but everything else says "fall".  

And this year, the Jewish holidays  come "early", Rosh Hashanah on September 10 and 11, Yom Kippur on September 19.  The minor holiday of Sukkot (a harvest festival) begins on September 24, and the Jewish holidays end with Simchat Torah on October 2. 

It's been a very full summer, but I think I'm ready for the change of seasons.  I'll be starting my positon in the city on September 4.  The change of season and the change of working conditions should be interesting.  I am looking forward to new experieinces, new adventures.


  1. We used to start school after Labor Day. Now they're going with the Midwest and the starting day is in August. Still, I don't expect cooler weather until November. October has had some scorching days the past couple years.

  2. Labor day has change. My dad was a member of the teamester union and they had a picinic at one of local lake.
    I'm to a renaossance fair.
    Coffee is on


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