Another this and that

So what do you do when you are recuperating from surgery?  Initially, you go home and sleep.  I basically slept for two days.

And when you’re feeling a bit better.... movie marathon!

Yeah, Drew broke out the DVD’s on Friday.

Interestingly, we watched three films that are based on real events.

We started with I, Tonya.  I love figure skating, and I remember the ice princesses of the early 1990’s.  And the whole Tonya Harding/Nancy Kerrigan thing.  And how Lillehammer was supposed to be this big showdown between them, until both were eclipsed by Oksana Bayul.

Next we watched Chappaqudick.  I’m a little young to remember when it happened, but Teddy Kennedy was always a big part of the political world, and I do remember his 1980 run for President and how Chappaquidick played a role ... interesting to watch his moral compass doing flip flops.

The final film of the marathon was The Greatest Showman, starring Hugh Jackman as P.T. Barnum.   I must tell you that Drew is madly in love with Barnum, a Broadway musical from the 1980’s, and keeps hoping that it will be revived and/or made into a movie.  I think he felt this movie was a poor substitute.  I never saw the Broadway show, so I had fewer expectations.  I thought the movie was ok at best.  The songs all had a predictable sameness. I don’t think they gave Jackman enough to do.  I did like Zac Efron and Zendaya as the interracial couple.

And then last night Drew felt I needed to get out of the house and get some fresh air.  So we went to a Ducks game.  I had to bring a cushion to sit on and a pillow for a backrest, but I made it through the entire game.  The Ducks beat the Road Warriors 10-0.  And it was fireworks night.  And I fell asleep as soon as we got home.


  1. All movies I would like to see one day! Alana Alana

  2. A movie marathon seems to be just the thing. I haven't seen any of those films, but I want to. Especially Greatest Showman. (I was a huge PT Barnum nerd in high school. I did a report on him for English class, and was fascinated by him afterward.)


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