Jumangi: Welcome To The Jungle

So...after all that heavy movie  drama, we decided we needed something light and fun. And what could be better than Jumangi: Welcome To The Jungle?

I never saw the Robin Williams original, Drew is looking for that DVD so I can enjoy it.  But you really don't need to have seen the origianl to enjoy the more recent movie. 

The Jumangi game has now morphed from board game to video game.  Four Breakfast Club-esque teenagers get sucked into the game during detention and become the avatars they've chosen.  The avatars all have skills and abilities that the teens lack -- the nerd becomes a hunk, the football player becomes a sidekick, the shy girl becomes a Lara Croft type, and the popular girl turns into a middle aged man. 

They are on a junge adventure, must avoid the natural hazards and defeat the bad guys in their quest to restore a stolen gemstone to a statute.   They must play as a team, and must learn to work together in order to master each level of the game.  And in doing so, they grow...

Fun and entertaining movie, just what we needed.


  1. I heard the remake was pretty good. I did see the original. It's about what you'd expect for the time it was made in. Good, but not great.

  2. We have the board game Jumangi. Coffee is on


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