And still more ...

After this, I promise I’ll stop talking about movies.

But, in keeping with our jungle theme (and it has felt as hot and steamy as a jungle around here lately), we added two more movies to the list:  Tomb Raider and the original Jumangi.

First up was Tomb Raider.  I had never seen the original Lara Croft movies with Angelina Jolie, nor had I ever played a version of the video game, but of course everyone has some understanding of who this character is supposed to be.  No matter, Tomb Raider is an “origin” story, where we see a young girl grow up and go off searching for the father everyone assumes is dead.  Not very heavy on plot, the movie features a lot of action, characters in peril, and most famously, fight scenes.  It was a fun ride.

And then there was the original Jumangi to remind me how much I miss Robin Williams.  In 1969, two children —Alan Parrish and Sara Whittle— begin a game of Jumangi.  Their pieces move around the board miraculously with each role of the dice, and as they land on each square, a rhyme tells them what to expect:  perils from the jungle appear in Alan’s living room.  Then Alan gets sucked into the game ...  Twenty six years later, children Julie and Paul start to play the game, and a now-adult Alan emerges from the jungle, along with monkeys, lions, and numerous other jungle perils.  They must find a Sara and finish the game.  Action, adventure and humor.  And Robin Williams, of course ...he always brought such joy, and such heart, to roles like this.


  1. No need to stop talking about movies. You might find something we'd all want to see (or see again).

  2. I don't watch that many movies, but your posts remind me of fun time in the DVD days when we had a "movie Friday" with our young teen son - among other things we watched every (at the time) James Bond movies. Keep writing! Alana


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