So...about me...

No, you don’t really want to hear me kvetch (nice Yiddish word...has more nuance than the English equivalent, “complain”), so I’ll be brief.

Three years ago, I was diagnosed with a hiatal hernia.  At that time, the surgeon suggested I consider weight loss surgery, to be done at the same as the hernia repair.

Well, I didn’t have surgery.  Instead, I joined Weight Watchers, bought a Fitbit, and lost a significant amount of weight.  My symptoms disappeared, and my doctor said I could put off the hernia repair.

Until I landed in the ER last April. And found out the hernia was worse.

So I had surgery last Tuesday.  Simple hernia repair.

And I’m currently recuperating at Drew’s house.

I am doing ok and may even venture out today...


  1. My Dad had hernia surgeries several times during his lifetime (and his youngest brother was born with one - one of his sisters also had a hiatal hernia). So I know enough to k now the surgery can take a lot out of you - I hope you do take it easy, and allow yourself time to recover! We'll wait patiently. Good luck. Alana

  2. Ouch. I hope you feel better soon. I'm glad to hear you didn't do the weight loss surgery.


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