musical memory...times two

 I heard a song on the radio the other day, a song that brought back a lot of memories.

It was 2004, and Jen and Becca were in middle school.  And, of course, I was so "uncool".    but nevertheless, I was cool enough to let them listen to their music on the radio whenever we were in the car together.  So of course I got to hear all the popular songs of the day.

So of course we listened to that great song by Bowling for Soup.  You know the one.  The one full of nostalgia for a time before my daughters were even born.

Yes, I'm talking about "1985".

You know the lyric...Her two kids in high school, they tell her that she's uncool 'cause she's still preoccupied with 1985.  

In 1985, I was 25 years old, had just started my first real job, and had just moved into my first apartment in Brooklyn.  And the music I listened to on the radio?  Springsten, Madonna, U2, Blondie...

Yep, all the musical acts mentioned in the song...


  1. In last full year homesteading in rural Arkansas. Believe it or not, neither my husband or I ever heard this song, and I swear to you, both of us thought it was Weird Al. Don't tell on me to my fellow Monday music bloggers! Alana

  2. I got a kick out of that song. I knew it at the time. I do remember 1985 too, but I was in middle school at the time...


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