Feeling my age

Ever hear of a pop up bar?  It’s a bar that exists just for a season.   My twenty something daughter had to explain that to me.  I think I’ll retire to my rocking chair now.

Seriously...I didn’t really need an explanation from my daughter, but she posted on Instagram how much fun she had at a pop up bar, and it really didn’t sound like fun to me.  I must be getting old.  

Last year a group of us went out on New Year’s Eve to a very loud, very noisy place.  This year we are planning a much quieter celebration.

We had an unusually warm autumn, but winter is coming.  The weather is supposed to get cold later this week.  I find the cold bothers me more now than it used to.  Years ago I swore I’d never consider moving to Florida.  Now the idea has some appeal.

I’m at an age where half the contacts in my phone have the same first name: doctor.  I am reminded of that at least twice a week, when I go to physical therapy for my knee.



  1. Don't feel bad. I'm clueless on the new groups and such. But I do know who president and that not saying much...Coffee is on

  2. I didn't like busy, noisy places when I was in my teens and twenties. I've been to maybe two rock concerts. Decided the things weren't for me and haven't been to another since. 25 years, at least.

    New Year's Eve perfect party: board games. Get a good group of friends together, break out your favorites (or a new one that looks like fun--have you tried Cards Against Humanity?), and play the hours away. Pause for the ball drop, and then go back to it until you drop.


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