Another this and that

Loved, loved, loved The Last Jedi.  Must be seen in IMAX 3D to get the full effect.  So sad to see Carrie Fisher’s last performance, though.  I can’t wait for the next movie, I wonder what they’ll do about Leia.

Right now I’m watching Duchess, she’s sitting on the dresser and looking out the window. She is an indoor cat, but she loves the backyard show, all the squirrels and birds.  She’s outraged that another cat came into her yard, outraged to realize she’s not the only cat in the world, and even more outraged that the other cat slipped under the fence and went to play in another yard before she was done watching him.

It’s Christmas Eve, and I managed a quick trip to the supermarket without getting trampled.  Guess I got my Christmas miracle.

Yeah, I know that was a bit sarcastic, but have you ever seen a Long Island supermarket just before a holiday?  Talk about crazy!

My Christmas plans?  Japanese food tonight, a movie tomorrow morning, kosher deli for dinner tomorrow, and then we’ll settle in for the Dr. Who Christmas episode.  He’s regenerating tonight ...

Still working on New Years Eve...not sure if we’re going out, or if we’re doing an early dinner and ringing in the New Year at Drew’s house.

But I’m sure it will be fun.

I hope you all have a great holiday.


  1. Wishing you a happy holiday, too. We did a tiny bit of last minute grocery shopping today - so glad I did it at 8:30 am. Alana

  2. The Doctor Who Christmas special is still sitting on my DVR. I'll get around to it. Before New Year's. Hopefully.


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