Happy 150th, Canada!

My turn to jump on the bandwagon and wish our neighbors to the north a "Happy Canada Day"!

I've been to Canada twice.

First time was when I was in college. I went to the State University of New York at Albany, close to the Canadian border.  A friend of mine was a member of the French club, and she invited me to go with her when the club arranged for a weekend in Montreal.  The two of us spent a lot of time shopping, and a lot of time visiting the apartment of her friend who was a student at McGill.  Our time in the city was very short, and she had no interest in the cultural or historical sites I would have liked to have seen.   Maybe someday I'll get back there.

Though I still laugh about watching Star Trek dubbed into French.

In the summer of 2010, Drew and I vacationed in Niagara Falls.  You can have a great time in Niagara Falls, NY, without ever crossing the border, but since we had passports, we ventured over to the Canadian side.  It was well worth the trip.

Here's the link to my blog post from that portion of our trip.

What I found most interesting was our visit to the Canadian fort.  The fort was in use during the War of 1812, when Canada was aligned with the British and opposing American interests.  The perspective of viewing Americans as the enemy ...

Anyhow, happy birthday Canada!

If you want to read about the rest of our Niagara vacation, here are the links:


  1. Years ago, with our then young son, we visited Upper Canada Village, along the St. Lawrence (a living history reenactment type village), and heard about history from the Canadian viewpoint. Ditto when we toured Parliament when visiting Ottawa. Yes, strange to think we were once the enemies of Canada. I hope that never happens again. I wish I could have visited Canada this weekend, but it wasn't going to happen. Alana ramblinwitham.blogspot.com

  2. Ah yes, Canada Day. Gotta love all the posts, especially from the Canadians.


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