Wednesday Hodgepodge

Joyce had some interesting questions this week.

1. When and where were the best fireworks you've ever seen? Speaking of you know your hot buttons? The things people can say and/do to set you off? When was the last time someone pushed one of your hot buttons?

I really love fireworks.  No trip to Disney World would be complete without at least one viewing of the fireworks over Cinderella's Castle. Same goes for every amusement park I've ever visited.  When we went to Niagara Falls a few years ago, we made sure to see the fireworks over the falls.

In all the years I've lived in or around NYC, I've never seen the Macy's fireworks, except on TV.  The viewing areas along the river get very crowded, you have to claim your spot very early in the day.  I had an opportunity, in 1992...the show was over the Hudson that year (sometimes they do the fireworks over the East River).  The company I worked for back then had offices in Jersey City.  Our 13th floor windows looked out to the river, and the company offered employees the opportunity to view the fireworks from inside the office.  I couldn't go, because I was very, very pregnant, with a due date of July 4, and no desire to be on the wrong side of the Hudson in the event I needed to get to my obstetrician on Long Island. Drew and I watched the neighborhood fireworks from our balcony that year (I'm sure we saw some of Gotti's stuff -- he used to do a show in his neighborhood every year.)  Four days later we welcomed Rebecca into the world.

As for what gets me going...I'd rather not say.  I've spent a long, long time learning how to hold my temper, how to let things go.    I still have a lot of work to do in that regard, but I am making progress.

2. Have you hosted any outdoor summer parties this year? Attended any? What makes for a great outdoor party?

Drew likes to host barbecues in the back yard.  He does at least three every summer, on Memorial Day weekend, 4th of July and Labor Day.  I make my famous caprese salad, and there are seldom any leftovers.

3. What does freedom mean to you?

Whoa, heavy question for a hot summer day.

I'm not in the mood for political philosophy today.  Wait a day or two and you're likely to see my next political rant.

4. July is National Cell Phone Courtesy month...what annoys you most about people's cell phone habits?

Why, in the name of all that's decent and sane and rational, would you ever want to carry on  a cell phone conversation while you're in a public restroom??????

5. What's your current summer anthem?

6.  Insert your own random thought here.

I'm writing this on the 4th of July, while drinking a Diet Cherry Pepsi and skimming through Istagram photos of Jen and Becca enjoying their holiday weekend. Tonight we're going to a Ducks game, and it's fireworks night.  Days like this make you forget all your problems.

How to join the Hodgepodge


  1. LOL at #4. I have no idea WHY they'd want to, but a lot of folks sure do it!

  2. I slept though the fireworks this 4th...Coffee is on

  3. The cell phone habit that annoys me is students on their phones during class. And they don't get why that's rude. *shakes head*

    I hereby allot you all of my firework viewing. You can have it. I burned out on fireworks at about 10-12 and haven't really cared for them since.

  4. Your summer anthem is one of my all-time favorites, along with Johnny Nash's "I Can See Clearly Now', because it came out in the summer.

  5. I honestly wish I could say I had no hot buttons. I would probably be infinitely happier.


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