Manhattan morning

The type of work that I'm doing now, I spend most of my days hiding in my office, using my computer and my phone.

Today was not one of those days.

I had some business to attend to in Manhattan.  More specifically, I went to a mediation, where we successfully settled a lawsuit.

That meant I had to suit up, drive to the train station and take the Long Island Railroad to Penn Station.  Then I took the A train to Times Square, and walked through the labyrinth that is the Times Square Subway Station, then took the 7 train to Grand Central Station.  I walked across the street to an office building on the corner of Lexington and 42nd, and presented my driver's license to the security desk (you cannot get into any office buildings in NYC without ID), and proceeded  to the mediator's office on the 8th floor.

And when the mediation was complete, I reversed the whole process.

It was satisfying to participate in the mediation, more so because we were successful in settling the case.

But, oh, the commute!  Glad I don't have to do that on a daily basis anymore!


  1. That would be a great time to get some reading done. (I could imagine knitting for hours like that ;) )

  2. Yeah, my iPad made the trip with me, read my newspapers, etc.


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