Deja vu -- Ducks part 2

So the rain-out was Monday night, and the Ducks played a double header Tuesday night to make up for the lost game.

Atlantic League rules mandate that double headers are 7-inning games.  Game one started at 6:00.  Lots of crowds for that one, there were kids on the field to sing the national anthem, we honored our veterans, played silly games.

We had great seats, of course.

Great game, the Ducks beat the Patriots.

Game two didn't start until after 9:00.  And...the Ducks didn't win.

this is what it looked like during the bottom of the 7th.


  1. I take it everyone gave up? Ah well, you win some, you lose some.

  2. Yeah, we stayed until the bitter end, there were less than 100 people in the stands when the game ended.


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