Happy October!

It's definitely one of my favorite months. So this year I thought I'd do NaBloPoMo for October. The Blogher event. All you have to do is write a blog post every day for the entire month. Very simple, right?

Wrong. When I'm blogging for myself I can be quite productive. But when I commit to NaBloPoMo, I sometimes struggle to find sufficient topics to meet the goal. Hopefully this time around I won't hit writer's block.

The theme this month is "crunch". The crunch of autumn leaves. The crunch of a fresh, delicious apple. And as the temperature drops, even the air feels crunchy.

I love the cool, crisp days. Days that require a sweater or light jacket. Nights when the air is so crisp that the stars look like diamonds. The flaming colors swirling among the trees. The aroma of logs burning in a fireplace. Pumpkins on the porch. Apple cider and pumpkin muffins.

This year the month begins with the solemnity of the High a Holy Days, and ends, as always, with the spooky, silly fun of Halloween. And who knows what may happen in between?

It's a spectacular time of the year. Bring it on!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
