snippets of life

things recently posted on my facebook page:

Uh oh . . I was walking through the parking lot at the train station when I spotted a Volkswagon with its lights on. Someone is in for a nasty surprise when they get off the train tonight.  (And I am so glad my Toyota has a feature that turns my lights off when I get out of my car.)

So mom and I got home around nine tonight, to find two lonely, hungry kitties sitting right by the front door with that "It's about time you came home" look in their eyes.

Don't teenage girls look at themselves in the mirror before they leave the house? Young lady in the subway. Cropped top and low cut denim Capris. Pants were so tight it looked like she bought them two sizes too small. And the view from the know the old joke about what you see when the plumber bends over? You could see the young lady's even when she was standing up. No, it does not look sexy or cool. It looks like you're wearing your little sister's clothes.

My darling daughters have joined the fashion police. When I got home last night I asked if my package from Crocs had been delivered, and both girls told me they had "thrown it out". But my new Crocs flip flops are really comfy.

Yes that was me doing a face plant in the aisle at Shoprite. My flip flop flipped. I flopped. And found myself flat on the floor. What hurts the most is my dignity.

And the best one:

My "breakfast buddy" is getting bold. Mr. Kitty used to greet me at the foot of the stairs, and I'd feed him before I left for work.

Then he started coming into my room. He'd sit on the bed and watch me get ready for work, then follow me downstairs so that I could feed him.

This morning, however. . .the alarm went off, I hit the "snooze" button, but before I could roll over and go back to sleep, I suddenly found myself pinned to the mattress by 20 pounds of purring feline. I mean, I was nose to nose with my assailant, whose mission was clearly to get me out of bed ASAP and feed him.



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